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My Darling

My darling you bring a smile to my face.

A song of passion and love to my lips,

And set my soul and heart on fire with your touch.

You tell me over hundred times a day how much you love me.

And each time it is always exciting and new just like the very first time.

You make my heart overflow with happiness.

The sight of you brightens my world.

I cherish our love and our lives together.

You give me a reason for loving life.

You have giving me your heart and soul.

Which I will treasure and keep in a safe place forever.

Each day brings a new adventure to share,

Each day brings new memories to store in our minds.

You are the one that soothes and comforts me when I'm in need.

You are the love of my life, you are God's gift to me, and I to you.

I love you...

© All Rights Reserved by Betty J Massey-Hickerson 1999.